Notes |
- (The only William Horton indexed in 1800 was in Minisink, with too many children. He does not appear to be with his father Joshua in Orange Co.)
In 1810 William was in Blooming Grove with his wife, both over 45. Their family consisted of 1 female under 10 (Charlotte), 1 male and 1 female 10-15 (Margaret, William), 1 female 16-25, and 1 male and 1 female 26-44.
In 1820 in Blooming Grove the household probably contained his son William and wife and two children, for he was not indexed elsewhere. There were 1 male and 1 female under 10, 1 male and 2 females 10-15 (Charlotte & ? ), 1 male and 1 female 16-25 (Wm.Jr & wife?), 1 female 26-44, and the parents over 45.
(There was also a William Horton household in Goshen, but without an adult male. It had 2 females 16-25, and 4 younger persons.)
In 1830 William Horton of Blooming Grove was in his 50s, his wife in her 60s. In the household were 1 male 10-14, 1 male 15-19, 2 females 20-29, and 1 male 30-39. Again William Jr's family was probably included.
In Blooming Grove in 1840, the household of William Horton (Jr) had 1 female under 5, 1 female 5-9, 1 male 10-14, 2 males and 2 females 15-19, William and his wife in their 40s, and 1 female in her 70s (widow Phebe).
In the 1843 estate of her brother Peter4 Rumsey, Phebe Horton of Blooming Grove was listed among the heirs.
History of Orange County, New York, with Illustrations and Biogarphical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men - by E.M.Ruttenber and L.H. Clark (1881, reprint 1980 by Heart of the Lakes Publishing, Interlaken, NY)(between pages 648-49 - in BLOOMING GROVE sectiom)
Silas Horton married Margaret Bull, and the children of this union
were James, Silas, James (2), William, Ann, Margaret, and Sarah, all
of whom died young except Sarah, who married David Hawkins, and
William, the grandfather of our subject [Silas R. Horton]. He was
born on the homestead, July 2, 1771, and followed agricultural
pursuits during his life. On Dec. 23, 1793, he marriede Phebe,
daughter of Phineas Rumsey, of Goshen,and their children were Sarah,
died young; William; Margaret, born Oct. 4, 1797, died Jan. 15, 1817;
and Charlotte, married Dr. Jerome Welles, and lives in Goshen, N.Y.
William Horton, M.D. was born in Goshen, N.Y. on the homestead, May
16, 1796. His early education was obtained at the schools in Goshen.
At the age of eighteen he entered the junior class at Union College,
from which institution he was graduated. After his collegiate course
he studied medicine and attended medical lectures at the University of
New York....He commenced the practice of his profession at the
residence of his father, but soon afterwards moved to Goshen, where he
continued the pratice of Medicine. He died on the homestead, Dec. 1,
1844, at the untimely age of forty-seven. In an obituary notice of
Dr. William Horton, taken from the Goshen True Whig, we find the
following: "He was a surgeon, but was still more celebrated as a
physician. By his skill and honorable bearing he early secured the
convidence of his medical brathren, and was frequently called in
consultation with the aged and experienced physicians of his day. He
was remarkably successful in the treatment of fevers, and prepared a
work relative to them, which, however, was never published. His
pamphlet on dysentery and his geological reports are his only
published works, and these are sufficient to establish his reputation
as a profound thinker and a clear and powerful writer.
In the midst of his career of usefulness as a physician he turned
his attention to the study of botany, mineralogy, and geology, and
soon became one of the most noted men of his day in these sciences.
His great delight in these studies led him, at the age of thirty-
seven, to relinquish the practice of medicine and devote himself
wholly to these sciences, and had he lived a few days longer he would
have published a large work on these subjects. Dr. Horton was always
rigidly moral, and never sacrificed principle to expendiency."
He married, April 9, 1817, Maria Ryneck, of Schenectady, and their
children are Silas Ryneck, who married Sarah Jane, daughter of Jacob
J. Decker, or Ulster County, N.Y. He inherits something of his
father's taste for geology and mineralogy, and a few years since
discovered a new and rare mineral, which has since been named by Prof.
George J. Brush, of Yale College, "Hortonalite;" Eugene, who married
Ann T. Haley, and follows agricultural pursuits on the old homestead,
being the fifth generation; William, a physician, at Craigville,
N.Y.; Egbert, died young; Emily married J.J. Dolseo; Margaret, married
S.W. Leddel; Charlotte, married Jesse E. Moffat; and Gertrude, married
Brower C. Ward.
Silas Horton lived where Samuel Rumsey now resides [1881]. (ibid.
p.526) [2]